海濱植物之美The beauty of seaside plants

The beauty of seaside plants
In addition to the rich intertidal ecology, the Binhai  Masters’ Hometown Recreational Agricultural Area is also rich in seaside plants, making it suitable for school agencies and groups to come for outdoor teaching:
水筆仔Kandelia candel
不只淡水有水筆仔,大甲匠師的故鄉也有;別名紅欖、茄藤樹。花白色,花期為四至六月。果圓錐形或卵形,向上反曲﹔下胚軸胎生芽,末端尖。水筆仔因末端像筆尖銳,所以稱做「水筆仔」,此胎生現象在植物界中非常少見,被視為國寶級植物。 具有防波護堤保護沿海居民生命財產,淨化水質改善環境,提供豐富營養而多樣化的的生活環境,為鳥類、貝類、蟹類等,提供最好的覓食服務的功能。
There are Kandelia candel not only in Tamsui, but also in the hometown of Dajia Masters’ Hometown Recreational Agricultural Area; they are also known as red olive trees and eggplant vine trees. The flowers are white and the flowering period is from April to June. Fruit conical or ovate, recurved upward; hypocotyl viviparous buds, pointed at the end. The end of the water brush is sharp like a pen, so it is called "water brush". This phenomenon of viviparous birth is very rare in the plant world, and it is regarded as a national treasure plant. It has the function of protecting the lives and property of coastal residents, purifying water quality and improving the environment, providing a nutritious and diverse living environment, and providing the best foraging services for birds, shellfish, crabs, etc.

黃槿Hibiscus tiliaceus
生長在海濱及農田田埂,耐濕又耐旱,是良好的防風、定砂及護岸的優良樹種。樹葉常用來墊粿,所以又叫作「粿葉樹」。 黃槿的根為解熱劑、催吐劑;葉及樹皮可治咳嗽、支氣管炎;葉外敷腫毒及洗滌劑。分布於熱帶及亞熱帶的濱海地區。
It grows on seashores and farmland ridges. It is resistant to moisture and drought. It is an excellent tree species for windbreak, sand fixation and bank protection. The leaves are often used to cushion rice cakes, so it is also called "Kway Leaf Tree". The roots of Hibiscus hibiscus are antipyretic and emetic; the leaves and bark can be used to treat coughs and bronchitis; the leaves can be applied externally as a swollen poison and detergent. Distributed in tropical and subtropical coastal areas.

馬鞍藤Seahore Vine Morning Glory
Vine, with spreading stems, long and creeping on the ground, with tendrils, adventitious roots at each node, the roots penetrate deeply into the soil, and the whole plant is smooth. The leaves are single, alternate, and have petioles. They are the first-line plants in beach areas to prevent wind and stabilize sand. It can change the environment of the sand to facilitate the growth of other plants.

木麻黃Casuarina equisetifolia
喬木,可高達 20~35 公尺,徑 40~60 公分,葉退化成小枝狀,輪生,具 6~8 個稜角,各節有 6~8 個鞘齒;所見綠色線狀物為其小枝,小枝條下垂,光滑無毛或幼時有柔毛,常應用於海岸防風林帶、行道樹:耐乾旱、強風、鹽風,為目前主要之海岸防風及攔砂樹種。
A tree that can be 20-35 meters tall and 40-60 centimeters in diameter. The leaves are degenerated into small branch-like leaves, whorled, with 6-8 edges and corners, and each node has 6-8 sheath teeth. The green threads seen are Small branches, drooping, smooth and hairless or pubescent when young, often used in coastal windbreaks and street trees: resistant to drought, strong winds, and salt winds, it is currently the main coastal windbreak and sand-blocking tree species.

林投Pandanus odoratissimus
常綠分枝灌木或小喬木,常左右扭曲,具多分枝或不分枝的氣根。葉簇生於枝頂,三行緊密螺旋狀排列,條形,長達 80 公分,寬 4 公分,先端漸狹成一長尾尖,葉緣和背面中脈均有粗壯的銳刺。防風定砂植物:極常見的海岸植物,生長在海岸林的最前線,常成叢聚生,構成海岸灌叢的一部份,是優良的防風定砂植物。林投葉也能DIY做成各種童玩,詳細體驗行程,可洽:摸蛤仔兼洗褲農場
Evergreen branching shrub or small tree, often twisted from side to side, with multi-branched or unbranched aerial roots. The leaves are clustered on the top of the branches, arranged in three rows in a tight spiral, and are strip-shaped, 80 cm long and 4 cm wide. The apex tapers into a long tail tip, and there are thick sharp spines on the leaf margin and the midrib on the back. Windproof and sand-fixing plants: Very common coastal plants that grow at the forefront of coastal forests. They often grow in clusters and form part of coastal shrubs. They are excellent windproof and sand-fixing plants. Lintou leaves can also be DIYed into various children's toys. For detailed experience, please contact: Clam Touching and Pants Washing Farm

團體體驗行程請洽:For group experience itineraries, please contact:
葵海休閒農場Sunflowers &Sea Leisure Farm/邵仁裕:0918-334967
摸蛤兼洗褲農場Touching Clams and Washing Pants Farm/黃瓊林:0933-466247
李安妮向日葵農場LI,AN-NI Sunflower Farm/李安妮:0910-599258
美景農場Beautiful View Farm/林坤和:0955-997788
權遊遊艇Chuan Yu Yacht/林明達:04-26816186